Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rule of Law: Rules Are Meant to Be Broken?

In what could be termed the "beginning of the beginning of the end", libertarians and US Constitutionalists are watching slowly as their movements start to become illegal. Such intra-national surveillance as wiretapping and public cameras usually are ignored by those who believe in freedom as the average person musters up the typical, "Well it only matters if you're breaking the law, if you don't have anything to hide then why do you care?". Well the time is starting to come where even though I have nothing to hide, I still have to fear my own government.

Here is what I am talking about:
Incident #1- It was recently publicized that the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in Phoenix, Arizona passed out a couple years back. Take a look...
K, nothing too special there. Criminal activity can be suspect...

Whoa whoa whoa. Take a look on the upper left side of the pamphlet. It specifically points out...
Right-Wing Extremists:
-'defenders' of US Constitution against federal government and the UN (Super Patriots)

You hear that guys? Apparently upholding the US Constitution is something that is specific to terrorism. Well I suppose that makes sense since, uh, Bin Laden voted for the US Libertarian Party last year, right?

Incident #2- The Alabama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has also decided that US Constitutionalists are suspected terrorists. On their website (although after it was exposed they took down the page for a while) they had these points to make...

So the government now apparently has no real respect for the US Constitution, the document our nation was founded upon.

There is a concept called the "Rule of Law" which is a clearly designed system/concept which integrates law into practice in a way that his both clear and fair. For those of you not familiar with the concept, there are some important points that were outlined by Albert Venn Dicey, one of the Commonwealth's old politicians and outspoken advocate of the Rule of Law : (From Wikipedia)
(1) the absolute supremacy or predominance of regular law as opposed to the influence of arbitrary power; (2) equality before the law or the equal subjection of all classes to the ordinary law of the land administered by the ordinary courts; and (3) the law of the constitution is a consequence of the rights of individuals as defined and enforced by the courts."
Note the first point. The United States has a 3-branch government defined by the Legislative branch (creates and repeals laws), Executive branch (enforcing laws as created and interpreted by the other 2 branches), and Judicial branch (interprets laws as written/created by the legislative branch). The US Constitution was created by what, at the time, could be considered legislative branch. Our Founding Fathers realized the need for the Rule of Law and thus gave specific jurisdiction to the 3 branches.

Now, when the government starts to pass out fliers stating that "defenders of the US Constitution" are suspected terrorists, we have a problem. A big problem. The Executive branch's disrespect for the Legislative branch's laws basically means that the Executive branch is now becoming more powerful than the Legislative and ultimately means that the President's administration is creating laws out of thin air. The difference between law and "law" now becomes less than just quotes. By the definition created by the quotes you could say a very large portion of congress are suspected terrorists.

The days of "if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about" are coming to a close. I break no laws but because of some of my beliefs I can be reported as a suspect and, who knows? Maybe get a free 1-way trip to Guantanamo. Of course this would just happen as they detain me without telling me what I am being arrested for (charged with). Guess what? That would be another part of Rule of Law being violated (Habeas corpus)! Wow, isn't our government on a roll...

These findings should annoy or infuriate you regardless of what your beliefs are. You think you have nothing to hide? You might not having anything to hide but that doesn't mean that you can't be arrested arbitrarily and have your life as a citizen go to ruins. Fight back.

Note: Special thanks to Chris Brunner (ChrisBrunner.com) and InfoWars.com for exposing the 2 incidents.

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